Carrot and Orange Smoothie

carrot and orange smoothie

Bare with me, this one sounds a bit different, and i’l give you that, its not your usual breakfast smoothie. But it is a deliciously, refreshing recipe with a bit of a kick. I was a bit dubious to try this one, but since I did its become a firm favourite, It’s a great low calorie pick me up which I find gives me a bit of an energy boost to get me through an afternoon slump, rather than reaching for the coffee, which by 11pm and still wide awake I always regret!


  • 2 carrots

  • 2 oranges 

  • 2cm of ginger

  • 1 cup ice

How to make:

  1. Peel carrots and chop or grate (this will depend on the power of your blender)

  2. Peel oranges and segment

  3. Grate or roughly chop ginger

  4. Add all the ingredients into a blender and pulse until smooth.

    If it seems too thick add some water or fruit juice a little at a time to desired consistency

Optional extras: 

Honey: If its a bit too plain for you or the ginger is a bit spicy a splash of honey will sweeten it up a bit.


Green Super Smoothie


8 foods High in Vitamin C