Green Super Smoothie

A green nutrient dense start to your day! Packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants this smoothie should get you feeling full, refreshed and raring to go! It has quite a healthy flavour to it, so If you’re not keen on the natural flavour of this smoothie, check out our alternatives like adding a little agave syrup or honey to sweeten it up.


½ cucumber


½  cup spinach

¼  avocado

1 banana

1 cup of Ice 

water / milk



How to make


  1. Chop the cucumber into chunks

  2. Peel avocado & chop 1/4 of it into chunks. (store the rest in your fridge wrapped air tight for smoothies later in the week.)

  3. Peel banana and chop into 2 or 3 pieces.

  4. Add all the ingredients to a blender and pulse until smooth.

If it seems too thick add more water/milk

Optional extras: 

Honey/ agave syrup: Will sweeten this smoothie if you’re not keen on the natural flavours 

Protein powder: Vanilla flavour works great, but you can use whichever you prefer

Ginger: Adding ginger will give your smoothie more of a kick

Seeds: Add flax seeds, chia seeds or hemp seeds

Don’t forget to tag us in your creations on Facebook and Instagram

@freshfooduk #myfreshfoodsmoothie




Carrot and Orange Smoothie